Water is by far the main ingredient in beer. Not only does it usually represent more than 90% of the finalbeverage, but it also plays a key role in cleaning and rinsing throughout the chain, from the malting of the grain to the packaging, and, as if that were not enough, the quality of the water affects directly to the process and the final product.
Several of the styles we know today were determined by characteristics of the water available to brewmasters in their locality and time (i.e. Pilsner, Munich, Vienna Lagers, Porters). It is no coincidence that routine physicochemical, microbiological and organoleptic analyzes are carried out in breweries to adjust control variables and that there are initiatives to minimize consumption and generate the least possible economic and environmental impact.
From the homebrewer to the industry, including craft brewers, caring for water, both in quality and quantity, is paramount on a day-to-day basis, for the precious brew and for the planet. It’s very simple, without water there is no beer.
Some articles that may interest you:
The importance of water: https://www.un.org/es/observances/water-day/
Groundwater: A natural treasure under our feet: https://www.fundacionaquae.org/wiki/valor-agua-dia-mundial/
Water adjustments for brewing: https://www.thebeertimes.com/agua-adjustments-for-cerveza-brewing/
The thirsty business of beer: How breweries are confronting the industry’s water problem: https://www.growlermag.com/the-thirsty-business-of-beer-how-breweries-are-confronting-the-industrys-water-problem /#:~:text=Beer%20is%2090%2D%20to%2D%2095,high%20as%2010%20to%20one.
Water is the Most Crucial, Most Overlooked Beer Ingredient: https://www.winemag.com/2020/04/21/best-water-brew-beer/
El agua es, por mucho, el ingrediente principal de la cerveza. No solo suele representar más del 90% de la bebida final, sino también juega un rol clave en la limpieza y enjuague en toda la cadena, desde el malteado del grano hasta el envasado, y, por si fuera poco, la calidad del agua afecta directamente al proceso y al producto final.
Varios de los estilos que hoy en día conocemos fueron determinados gracias a características del agua disponible para los maestros cerveceros en su localidad y época (i.e. Pilsner, Munich, Vienna Lagers, Porters). No es casualidad que se realicen análisis fisicoquímicos, microbiológicos y organolépticos de rutina en las cervecerías para ajustar variables de control, y que existan iniciativas para minimizar su consumo y generar el menor impacto económico y ambiental posible.
Desde el homebrewer hasta la industria, pasando por los cerveceros artesanales, el cuidado del agua, tanto en calidad como en cantidad, es primordial en el día a día, por el preciado brebaje y por el planeta. Es muy simple, sin agua no hay cerveza.